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Quartzite is a metamorphic rock that forums when an area of sandstone is heated and pressed resulting one whole rock.

Colors It Comes In - Clear, White, Grey, Brown, Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, And Purple.

Fracture - Irregular or Conchoidal


Luster - Glassy or can also range from dull to submetallic.

Shape - Can have an irregular shape and can sometimes appear blob-like.

Texture - Granoblastic (Feels Like Sandpaper)

Streak - White

Locality - Large quantities are found in Arkansas, New York, the Alps, Brazil, Japan and Madagascar.

Where It Can Be Found - Quartzite is most likely to be found in areas where quartz sandstones have been subjected to high amounts of pressure and heat. Most commonly found in mountain ranges that can withstand severe weather conditions and natural elements. It can also be found in places where glaciers have been.

Hardness On The Mohs Scale - 7 Out Of 10

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