Chalcedony is a cryptocrystalline form of silica, composed of very fine intergrowths of quartz and moganite. There are 7 different types of Chalcedony.
Agate, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Chrysoprase, Jasper, Onyx, and Sard
Colors It Comes In - Clear, Milky, Blue, Pink, Green, Or Even Rainbow-Colored
Fracture - Conchoidal
Shape - Botryoidal, Mammilary, Stalactitic, Massive, And Nodular
Luster - Waxy
Texture - Grainy to Smooth
Streak - White
Locality - The most important chalcedony locations include agate fields in Brazil, Uruguay, Morocco, Mexico or Malawi.
Where It Can Be Found - Chalcedony was first discovered in Istanbul, in Turkey, and was named for the Chalcedon area in which it was found. Chalcedony is often connected with occurence of agates in volcanic rocks.
Hardness On The Mohs Scale - 7 Out Of 10